A big thank you to Dr. Penny Shelton and those of you who joined us last evening for our June Monthly Meeting! It was an informative and lovely summer evening gathering. Here are the resources recommended by Dr. Shelton.


The Art of Positive Parenting by Mickey Tobin

Your Amazing Newborn by Marshall Klaus

The Baby Book by Dr. Sears- Good information on when to call the doctor and infant care for ages 0-2.

Honoring Birth by Chicago-based author Jo Anne Lindberg- The midwife model vs. the medical model of birth. Also see BirthLink website.

Connection Parenting by Pam Leo- Focuses on dealing with conflict in the home with non-violent communication and positive discipline.



A Time to Wean by Katherine Dettwyler, PhD

Teaching Your Baby to Eat by Dr. Peter Rosi (Check out from our lending library)

Iron Rich Foods by Vincent Iannelli, M.D.

Vegetarian Starter Kit– Physicians Committee’s popular introduction to a plant-based diet.