Hello, Everyone!

Wow, here we are in the midst of autumn and the beginning of November!  At this point in the year, I often start looking ahead to the holidays and the end of the year and I am happy to say that The Birth Circle has a lot of community events on the horizon!  Please see below for our November happenings!  

This is also the time of year that we ask you for your support.  To provide the programs and events that we do for our community, we need your help.  Your volunteer hours, donations of goods and services and of course your financial contributions provide us with the means to follow our mission which is to educate, support and empower women and families as they journey through pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, and early childhood. By making families aware of the resources available to them, we are hoping to build community.  Below you will find information on how to support us by contributing to our Annual Appeal.  We are incredibly thankful for all that you do for The Birth Circle!

We have a bounty of fun to share with you these next few months and we hope to see you soon!

Claudia Bashaw
Executive Director, The Birth Circle

Loss Support Group

Thursday, November 2nd
Central Avenue Church, 73 Central Ave., Athens
If you are in need of support because of a pregnancy loss or the loss of your child, you are welcome to join us every first Thursday of the month for this support group.  These meetings are free and facilitated by a professional social worker.  All family members, such as grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, as well as friends are welcome.  Childcare is provided.

Young Moms’ Group

Date and Time TBD (stay tuned to FB for updates)

This month’s meeting will have a Thanksgiving theme and we invite you all to join us for some food, play and a holiday craft.  It is always time to be thankful, but this month we will share with each other some of the things we appreciate most.  We hope to see you there!

Get Organized and Survive the Holidays

Wednesday November 29th (the week after Thanksgiving)
Athens Public Library

Who doesn’t need a little help organizing all the joy that the holidays can bring? Join local Professional Organizer and Productivity Specialist, Aubrei Krummert for an evening of helpful hints and tips on how to survive the holidays. She’ll even share ideas on how to actually enjoy the festive season yourself, and if you
have success stories or questions to share please do! Aubrei lives with her husband, two children and very spoiled cat and works mainly with chronically disorganized people. Please join us for a fun and informative evening!

Yes, I want to support The Birth Circle!

Supporting The Birth Circle is easy!  All you have to do to contribute financially to The Birth Circle and all of our programs and events is to click here, or go to our website and click on the DONATE button at the top left of our home page.  If you prefer to mail in your donation, please send your contribution to:

The Birth Circle
PO Box 665
Athens, OH  45702

JIVE! 2017
Mark your calendars for the evening of Sunday December 31st!  That’s right, JIVE! is just around the corner and we’re excited to announce more details soon, so stay tuned for email and Facebook updates!

In the meantime, if you are interested in helping us organize, we would love to have your help on any of these committees:  Food, Decorations, Kid’s Activities, Posters and Ticket Sales.  Please contact us via email (athensbirthcircle@gmail.com) for more information.  Thanks!



Meals for Families (formerly Meals For Moms)
Let The Birth Circle community cook for you!  If you’ve just had a baby, if you are going through another type of transition in your family, or have experienced a loss, The Birth Circle is more than happy to organize a meal calendar to help support you.  If you are interested in receiving meals, providing meals or both, please contact our Meals For Families Coordinator, Ariel Carver at arielrose.carver@gmail.com for more information.