
Hello Everyone and Happy Autumn,

We have a very eventful month ahead of us and hope that you will be able to join us for one or all of our programs and meetings.  In addition to these events, we are beginning to plan for our annual JIVE! New Year’s Eve Celebration.  If you would like to volunteer before or during the event, we would love to have your help!  Please see below for how to contact us and find out more.  Have a wonderful October and we’ll see you soon!

Claudia Bashaw
Executive Director, The Birth Circle

Saturday October 14th
Glouster Park Shelter (near the playground with the yellow slides)

Meet up for some fun at the Appalachian Color in the Hills Festival! It’s Kids’ Day at the Festival so come for some good fun for everyone.  This will most likely be our last gathering outside, so plan for the weather and come enjoy the autumn with us!

Sunday, October 15th at 3:00pm
Sells Park, at the Loss Memorial Bench
Avon Park, Athens, OH

The Birth Circle will hold a ceremony at the Loss Memorial Bench at Sells Park to honor and celebrate the short lives of babies lost through miscarriage, stillbirth or in infancy. This year’s ceremony will include readings and a time of sharing. The event is open to the public, and children are welcome to attend. If parents are unable to attend the ceremony but would like their child’s name or due date spoken, or a particular poem or prayer read, they can contact Claudia or Julia at athensbirthcircle@gmail.com or 740-652-6262.

Wednesday October 25th
Athens Public Library

Come find out the latest car seat safety guidelines for your children and pick up some tips on how to engage your little one with play, reading and other fun activities. Ruby Kilkinney from Hocking Athens Perry Community Action’s Early Head Start program will share the newest information to help keep your child safe in your vehicle. She will also be on-hand to share some of the key things you can do to support the physical, social, emotional, mental and language development of your children. Grandparents, friends and caregivers will benefit from this information as well, so bring everyone.

Want an easy way to get the word out about your business, services, or new program AND support The Birth Circle at the same time?  Well, we’ve got just the opportunity for you!  Don’t delay!  Contact Claudia and Julia at athensbirthcircle@gmail.com for more information about how you can sponsor one of our Monthly Meetings in 2017.

JIVE! 2017
Jive! is a fantastic event thanks to all of our volunteers, and you could be one of them!  Believe it or not this fun, family New Year’s Eve event is right around the corner.  If you are interested in helping organize, we would love to have your help on any of these committees:  Food, Decorations, Kid’s Activities, Posters and Ticket Sales.  Please contact us via email (athensbirthcircle@gmail.com) for more information.  Thanks!

Become a JIVE! sponsor:  You can donate time, food, raffle prizes–or become a sponsor for our event. Fill out our online sponsorship form below!

MEALS FOR FAMILIES (formerly Meals For Moms)
Let The Birth Circle community cook for you!  If you’ve just had a baby, if you are going through another type of transition in your family, or have experienced a loss, The Birth Circle is more than happy to organize a meal calendar to help support you.  If you are interested in receiving meals, providing meals or both, please contact our Meals For Families Coordinator, Ariel Carver at arielrose.carver@gmail.com for more information.
