Supporting Families Through a Loss

Wednesday, September 28th
7:00 to 8:30pm
At the Athens Library

Stillbirth, miscarriage and infant death are often uncomfortable topics in our culture. This leaves families that experience loss feeling isolated in their grief. From bereavement doulas and counselors, to handmade blankets as well as a network of photographers, come find what resources we have in our community that can offer support and healing to these families. The intent of this meeting is to empower us all to walk beside our friends and family who experience loss. You will leave with a list of resources, ideas and confidence in your ability to help people who are grieving.

Birth Circle monthly meetings are free and open to the public.
Children welcome to attend.
Co-sponsored by the Athens County Public Libraries.

Items from our Lending Library are available for you to check out and take home from Birth Circle meetings. In addition to books and other media, we have baby carriers, birthing balls and other supplies available for loan.
