If you are a mom-to-be and want to register for this year’s camp, go to our Prepared Mommy Camp page for more information or fill out this online form!



This June 20th-24th we are holding our 4th Prepared Mommy Camp thanks to support from the Athens Foundation.  This Camp is offered for free to pregnant women age 21 and younger, and provides a safe place where these young women can build their confidence as they learn more about healthy pregnancy, infant care and positive parenting.  The Camp also provides a place for to build bonds of support with one another, which often last well beyond the week we spend together. 
Many of the participants are from rural, low-income families where access to resources may be limited.  We are hoping that with your help we can send them home with loads of supplies that will help improve the quality of life for them and their babies.  You can lend your support by donating products related to pregnancy and/or newborns (clothes, furniture, slings, diapers, nursing bras, etc.) which will go directly to our Camp participants.  For your donations, the Birth Circle will provide a receipt for tax purposes upon request.  We are expecting to serve 5 to 10 young moms and would be grateful for any quantity you can offer!
  • We are in need of products related to pregnancy and/or newborns (clothes, furniture, slings, diapers, nursing bras, etc.).
  • We are in need of snacks and breakfast items to have available during camp.
  • If you would like to volunteer your time, we are looking for help transporting participants to and from camp. We also need volunteers to pick-up meals from local restaurants and deliver them to camp.
  • If you offer pregnancy or baby-related goods or services (photography, art, clothing, etc), we are looking for donations to be used as prizes for the women at the end of their week of learning.
Please take a moment to fill out this form if you are able to contribute to this valuable, free program for young moms-to-be.  Thank you!