Young Moms’ Group–Family Picnic
Strouds Run State Park Beach
Sunday, August 13th
We are trying it again! Bring the whole family to this first annual Young Moms’ Group event: Family Picnic Day! This is the perfect time to bring along friends and family who are curious about what the Young Moms’ Group is all about. There will be food, conversation and some playtime in the water. We will supply the sandwich fixings so just bring a dish to share and join us for some weekend fun in the sun. We can’t wait to see you!
The Birth Circle hosts this support group for moms or moms-to-be who would like to spend some time learning and socializing with other young moms and their children. Open to all younger moms old and new, so if you were under 22 year of age when you had your first child, then join us and share your experiences as a young mom.