January Meeting: Pain in Labor: Unfortunate Side Effect or Incredible Benefit?
Wednesday, January 27th 6:00-7:30pm Zoom Link:

This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom

Labor pain, when present during the labor of a living baby, is one of the few incidences of physical pain which does not signal that something is wrong, but rather that a process is going well (and will end in the birth of a child)!

Get an inside peek at some of the physiological purposes of pain during childbirth. Despite the poor biblical translation, labor pain is not reduced to some punishing consequence for Eve’s apple eating excursions. In fact, the human body functions as it does for an incredible myriad of reasons and pain itself plays a critical role in healthy birth, protecting both the baby and the birthing person.

Learn about some of the fascinating science behind the purpose of labor pain, the important difference between pain and suffering, as well as when labor pain is no longer beneficial or becomes traumatic. At the same time, we will begin to reframe our perception of labor pain, which is one of the most important things we can do to reduce or even eliminate suffering during childbirth.

**This presentation is not against labor analgesia or intended to persuade for or against the use of epidurals/analgesia. Epidurals play an important role in childbirth in today’s society and this presentation is intended to be judgement free around individuals’ decisions regarding pain medication during labor.**

Join us to ask questions, share concerns, or to listen and support silently. All are welcome.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82373630429

About the Presenter Ash Dasuqi Certified Professional Midwife, Childbirth Educator


Ash is a local midwife and childbirth educator, pronouns they/them

Upcoming topics this winter and spring include:

-Home or Hospital Birth: Tools and Information for Making Your Decision

-Growing together with your toddler: Tools for the Postpartum Journey

-Birth Stories